Quick Start

How to build and install the Hello World service to the local SupercondActor Business Platform cluster.

Code Package deployment to SupercondActor Business Platform cluster


  1. Node.js and NPM installed on your local computer (reasonably fresh versions).
  2. Ports 80 and 443 are not occupied by any applications on your computer.
Make sure that ports 80 and 443 are not occupied by any applications on your computer, for example by your local IIS installation. If this is the case, you'll have to change ports used by the Business Platform by modifying Traefik Http Proxy configuration file **platform-deployment-local\\src\\ManagerPackage\\TraefikPkg\\Code\\traefik.toml** See https://docs.traefik.io/configuration/entrypoints/ for details.

Hello World project

The Hello World GitHub repository provides Business Platform developers with a quick start Hello World project tailored for Node.js development experience.

The project creates a Scheduled Service named “My First Service”. All the service does is writing ‘Hello world!’ message to the event tracing stream every 5 seconds.

1. Deploying Business Platform to local development cluster

The setup script deploys and configures Business Platform Service Manager and Service Host applications to the local Service Fabric cluster.

Creating local Service Fabric cluster

  1. Install Service Fabric SDK.
  2. In the Programs locate and start “Service Fabric Local Cluster Manager”.
  3. Right-click the cluster icon in the taskbar notification area, select “Setup Local Cluster”, select “5 Node”.
  4. Wait several minutes until local cluster is created.
    You can double-click the cluster icon in the taskbar notification area to display local Cluster Manager UI.

Installing Business Platform on the local cluster

  1. Download installation package from the GitHub repository SupercondActor/platform-deployment-local
  2. In the “/src” folder locate the PowerShell script DeployAppsToLocalCluster.ps1
  3. Optionally, take a look at the parameters inside the script, you might want to change some of them (see detailed description here), though the script can be run “as-is” with default parameters.
  4. Run this PowerShell script
    • You’ll be asked to login into your Azure account. This is required to configure authentication. If you have multiple Azure subscriptions the script will ask you to select one.
    • Wait a minute until your local cluster gets configured and Business Platform applications are deployed.
Pay attention to the text displayed after the script completes - it shows Platform URL and may provide important instructions if additional steps are needed.

2. Building Code Package

After completing this step you’ll create a Code Package containing all scripts and configuration for your Hello World business services.

Creating Code Package for the SupercondActor Business Platform

Clone or download GitHub repository https://github.com/SupercondActor/platform-script-helloworld to your local computer.

In the root folder of the project run following commands:

  1. npm install
  2. npm run build
  3. Optionally, run npm test to make sure that created package works properly.

The dist folder will be created containing the Code Package file BusinessScriptBundle.zip. You’ll need to deploy code package to Business Platform by uploading this file using Service Manager UI.

3. Deploying Code Package

Here you’ll upload the Code Package to your local SupercondActor Business Platform cluster.

  1. Navigate to your cluster’s Service Manager UI. On local development cluster the URL is https://localhost/service-manager
  2. In the Cluster Explorer tree click a fabric: application
  3. Under Upload Application Services Code package click Choose button and select the BusinessScriptBundle.zip file.
  4. Click Upload button.

Upload Code Package

You are done! Now you can inspect and start your new service.

Inspect Service

4. Running and Monitoring your services

When installing your services on the local development cluster you can see the event tracing messages in the Visual Studio’s “Diagnostic Events” window (In the Visual Studio menu go to View >> Other Windows >> Diagnostic Events).