Local Development Cluster

The PowerShell script DeployAppsToLocalCluster.ps1 registers application for Azure Active Directory authentication, configures and deploys SupercondActor Business Platform applications to local development cluster.


Before you run provided PowerShell scripts make sure your computer meets the software prerequisites outlined below.
Note: Provided instructions and scripts are for Windows platform.

1. Azure PowerShell

Azure PowerShell provides a set of cmdlets that use the Azure Resource Manager model for managing your Azure resources. Read this article which explains the steps to install the Azure PowerShell modules in a Windows environment using PowerShellGet.

Script - Line by Line

Here is the overview of the steps performed.


You can change these values, though the script can be run as-is, using default values and randomly generated names.

User-defined configuration information:

  • Active Directory App Name - for authentication

    #!!! PARAMETERS: ======================================================================
    # Active Directory App Registration Name - for authenticatioin
    #  (if not provided will be default "SupercondActor-auth-local"):
    $azureAdAppName = ""
    # End of the parameters section ========================================================